The Educational Cost of the Exogenous Shock: Evidence from Tangshan Earthquake in 1976
中文关键词: 唐山大地震;人力资本;双重差分模型;工具变量;局部平均处理效应
英文关键词: Tangshan Earthquake; human capital; difference-in-differences model; instrumental variable; local average treatment effect
王骏,李波 王骏,北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院/首都教育经济研究院;李波,北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院/首都教育经济研究院 
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      Based on a random sample from 1 percent population survey data of 2005, this paper studies the impacts of Tangshan Earthquake on the educational attainment and subsequent labor market outcomes of affected cohorts using the methodology of difference in differences model and the local average treatment effect interpretation of instrumental variables technique. We find that the schooling years of the cohorts potentially affected by Tangshan Earthquake is 14%-21% of a year of schooling lower than the non earthquake cohorts, which can be considered as the short term educational cost of Tangshan Earthquake. The rate of return to years of schooling for the earthquake cohorts is 20.93%-27.85%. The earthquake leads 3.51%-4.77% loss of average income through the reduction of schooling years. A loss of 0.30%-0.41% of GDP in 2005 can be attributed to the lower educational attainment of the earthquake cohorts, which can be considered as the long term educational cost of Tangshan Earthquake.
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