The Influence of Arts and Science Division on Students’ College Performance and Employment Development——An Empirical Analysis Based on Chinese Educational Panel Survey
中文关键词: 文理分科;大学表现;就业发展;就业薪酬
英文关键词: the division of arts and science;college performance;employment development;employment wage
崔盛,吴秋翔,潘昆峰 中国人民大学教育学院 
摘要点击次数: 4275
全文下载次数: 3247
      In 2014, the division of arts and science was officially cancelled in Chinese education system. However, it's a controversial topic about whether teaching in arts or science in senior high school and testing in arts or science in Gaokao. Many researches focus on the rationality of the division of arts and science in high school. However, there is a lack of empirical research about the influence of the division on the future development of university students. This paper analyzes the influence of arts and sciences division on students' college performance and employment development by using the data of Chinese Educational Panel Survey, in order to review the ability difference between arts and science students. Although there was no significant difference in their academic performance, arts students have higher College English Test-6 scores, are more willing to join the party, serve as student leaders and persue postgraduate study. In terms of employment development, there are differences in the choice of industries, employment units and jobs between arts and science students, and science students have much higher starting salary. The ability of science students can be tested more effectively by the labor market.
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