Educational Equality and Financial Policy Choice under the Condition of Financial Restraint
中文关键词: 财政约束;教育公平;地区差异;转移支付
英文关键词: financial restraint; education equally;regional difference; transfer payments
马志远,金瑞 马志远,上海财经大学公共经济与管理学院;金瑞,上海财经大学公共经济与管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 5217
全文下载次数: 3248
      The imbalance of economic development leads to the huge regional differences in financial education funding, and providing people with equalization of education services is the government duties and obligations. By constructing the calculating model of education budget which is restricted by the finance, this paper uses empirical data and calculates the gross amount of financial education funding which the country needs and the financial transfer payments which the central government needs to resolve the differences between regions under the condition of the public financial education equalization in our country. The result reflects that under the existing education system and education policy, the central finance needs to transfer another 0.5 to 1.5 percent of GDP as the special education funding to the provincial finance in order to promote the equality of financial education funding. The key factor affecting transfer payments depends on the proportion of burden of family education investment. According to the result, this paper proposes three methods to achieve the equality of public financial education funding: firstly, increase modestly the proportion of burden of family education investment; secondly, implement zero-fee policy for secondary vocational education; thirdly, encourage civilian capital to invest education.
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