The lmpact of City-County Fiscal Decentralization on Local Spending for Compulsory Education: Based on the Multilevel Analysis of County-level Data
中文关键词: 市-县财政分权;财政自主权;义务教育;财政支
英文关键词: city-county fiscal decentralization; fiscal autonomy; compulsory education; fiscal expenditure
黄斌,王璇,张琼文 黄斌,南京财经大学公共管理学院/公共财政研究中心;王璇,南京财经大学财政与税务学院;张琼文,南京财经大学财政与税务学院。 
摘要点击次数: 4004
全文下载次数: 3029
      Based on the county city level data in 2009, this paper constructs six fiscal decentralization indicators from dimensions of fiscal revenue, expenditure and autonomy, and uses multilevel linear method to make empirical research on the impact of city-county fiscal decentralization on local spending for compulsory education at county-level. The empirical results show that the city-county fiscal decentralization has a significant negative impact on budgetary funds per pupil at county-level. The increase in city-county fiscal decentralization will reduce the county’s own fiscal investment in local compulsory education, but the increase in the county’s fiscal autonomy will increase the county's own fiscal investment in compulsory education. The negative effect of city-county fiscal decentralization isn’t affected by the reform of fiscal management institution. Based on the findings, this paper proposes that the future fiscal institution reform should continue to increase local fiscal autonomy, and add restrictive provisions into the design of the fiscal transfer which are used to maintain the county’s fiscal effort to provide the local public goods.
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