The Impact of Student Loans on the Academic Development of Chinese Female Undergraduates
中文关键词: 学生贷款;女大学生;学业发展;倍差法;倾向得分匹配法
英文关键词: student loans;female students;academic performance;DID;PSM
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“基于系统动力学的高校生均成本和学费交互增长的因素、机理与政策仿真研究”(71373032),湖南省教育经济与财政研究基地2013 年度招标课题“学生贷款对我国大学生学业表现的影响”(13JCJA1)。
黄维,张珊 黄维,长沙理工大学经济与管理学院;张珊,长沙理工大学经济与管理学院。 
摘要点击次数: 5058
全文下载次数: 3838
      Female college students are an important loans getting group of Chinese student loans,and quantitative analysis of the impact of student loans on female students academic development will help us to evaluate the policy effect.For this study,we use a national longitudinal survey of 6139 female college students,which is based on a baseline control of freshman grades,and combine Difference in Difference method (DID)with Propensity Score Matching (PSM)research methods to test the impact of student loans on female college students academic development.The study finds that the current student loans has produced an inhibitory effect but not the incentive effect on Chinese female college students academic development on the whole,which really means that student loans has lowered female college students learning achievement,increased their working time in the short term,and has no effect on their learning time;at the same time,student loans has increased debt pressure of Chinese female college students,stimulated them to enter into the working market as early as possible,so that their choice of going on graduate studies has been reduced.This study has provided empirical evidence for the policy improvement of Chinese student loans.
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