Family Socio economic Status and Parental Involvements:Impacts and Mechanisms
中文关键词: 家庭社会经济地位;父母参与;教育不平等;文化资本
英文关键词: family social economic status;parent involvement;education inequality;cultural capital
李晓晗,郑磊 李晓晗,北京大学中国社会科学调查中心;郑磊(通讯作者),北京师范大学教育学部/首都教育经济研究院。 
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      It is proved that parent involvement behavior has significant impact on children's academic performance.Thus the research on factors that influence parent involvement,especially on family social economic status,has great value in understanding education inequality among different class and in making family school cooperation policies.Using data from 2013-2014 China Education Panel Survey,we find that behavior of parent involvement relates to both parents' education and occupation and the influence of parents' education is more robust.Furthermore,tested by the mediating effect model,the result implicates that family social economic status will affect family cultural capital accumulation firstly and then influence the parent involvement behavior.There are two potential explanations for the results:first,parents with higher education degree will have more intense consciousness and higher ability to involve in childrens education activities.Second,because of different cultural capital accumulation in varied class,parents in lower class or working class tend to get nervous or uncomfortable when getting on with teachers,which decreases the frequency of parents in lower class to get involved in childrens school activities.Therefore,we consider that schools are supposed to make special policies for families in lower class to encourage their involvement in children's education.
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