张雅淋,赵 强.基于配对回归的学区房溢价研究 ——以南京市主城区为例[J].教育经济评论,2017,2(5):92-113
基于配对回归的学区房溢价研究 ——以南京市主城区为例
The Research on the Capitalization of School Quality based on Matching Regression
中文关键词: 学区房;溢价;配对回归;资本化
英文关键词: school district; premium; matching regression; capitalization
张雅淋,赵 强  
摘要点击次数: 4867
全文下载次数: 2147
      本文基于南京市主城区具有代表性的 33 所小学周边房产的微观交易数据,借鉴边界固定效应法,设置学区房与非学区房 146 对“小区对”作为实验组和对照组进行配对。在实证方面,将价格和租金分别作为被解释变量,基于特征价格模型,借鉴差分回归方法的思路,进行配对回归分析。研究发现,重点小学会给其周边二手房带来 14.12%的溢价。其次,通过对不同等级小学的样本进行回归,发现省实验和非省实验小学的学区房溢价分别为18.69%和 10.81%。我们认为,在目前的教育体制下,政府应致力于制定合理的教育资源分配机制,提升弱校竞争实力;家长也应在择校时全方位考量,而不是仅将学区房当作孩子接受优秀教育资源的筹码。
      Based on the microcosmic transaction data of 33 primary schools around main urban area of Nanjing, drawing on the boundary fixed effect method, this paper sets the school district and the non-school district 146 samples of "cell pair" as the experiment group and the control group. In the empirical aspect, based on the function price model, we take price and rent as the explanatory variables, from the point of view of differential regression method and the regression analysis, we find that the key school will bring a premium of 14.12% to the surrounding second-hand housing. Then, by the regression of the samples from different grades of primary schools, we found that the provincial and non-provincial school district housing premium were 18.69% and 10.81% respectively. We suggest that under the present educational system, the government should devote to formulate a reasonable distribution mechanism of educational resources, enhance the competitive strength of weak schools. Parents should also break the shackles of traditional thinking and take all things in consideration when choosing a school, rather than just take the school district as a chip for accepting the outstanding educational resources.
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