An Empirical Study on Fairness Perception of Education System
中文关键词: 教育公平感;招生制度公平感;教育收费制度公平感
英文关键词: fairness perception of education system; fairness perception of school admission system; fairness perceptionof educational finance system
陈济冬,罗楚亮 北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 3707
全文下载次数: 2009
      Based on household survey data of five provinces in urban China,we empirically study fairness perceptions of education system. The fairness perception of education system is characterized by four dimensions, such as the fairness perception about college admission, high school and compulsory schooling admission, as well as educational expenditure. We find that the fairness perception of education system in urban China depend onseveral individual characteristics, education performance of their children, education expenditure on kids’ education and fairness perceptions of income inequality. Specifically,individual sex, job characteristics, child grade, family expenditure, and the percentage of scholarship and assistance in the total expenditure play important roles in shaping citizens' fairness perceptions of education system. In addition, the fairness perception of education not only depends on the individual factors and factors within education system, but also depends on citizen’s fairness perception of income inequality. It suggests that the improvement of fairness perceptions of education needscooperation among different aspects of the society other than the education system per se. We also find that, increasing scholarship of students could indirectly enhance fairness perceptions of education through the channel of fairness perception of income distribution.
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