The Influencing Factors of Compulsory Education Quality for Rural Migrants' Children in Urban China: An Empirical Analysis Based on China Education Panel Survey
中文关键词: 随迁子女教育;教育公平;教育质量;多层线性模型
英文关键词: education of migrant children;education equity;education quality;Hierarchical Linear Modeling
王红,陈纯槿 王红,华南师范大学基础教育培训与研究院;陈纯槿,华东师范大学教育学部教育经济研究所。 
摘要点击次数: 7080
全文下载次数: 3562
      Compulsory education of migrant children has gradually become the main bottleneck,which is restricting the fairness and quality of compulsory education with the progress of urbanization.Based on the survey data of China Education Panel Survey,this paper investigates the influencing factors of compulsory education quality of migrant children by using the hierarchical linear models (HLM).The results showed that difference within schools had a greater impact on migrant children's academic achievement than between schools.Positive school learning atmosphere has a significant positive impact on children's academic performance.The number of brothers and sisters had a significant negative impact on academic achievement,while parental education expectations and harmonious relationship between parents had significant positive on children's academic performance.To this end,education policy-makers should gradually increase the supply capacity of public schools to provide quality education.Government should improve the school conditions and teachers quality so as to ensure migrant children enjoy equal and high quality compulsory education.
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